
Trader’s Lens Season 1 Episode 11: Danielle Park on Looking for Value

Trader's Lens

July 26, 2012

      Published July 26, 2012 02:20 PM

      Table Of Contents

        Key points

        In this episode of Trader’s Lens we get some great perspective from Danielle Park, author of  the blog, on the current global economic conditions, how to look for value in uncertain markets, the Facebook IPO saga and the importance of reading quality vs. quantity. Check out our other Trader’s Lens interviews here.

        In this episode of Trader’s Lens we get some great perspective from Danielle Park, author of  the blog, on the current global economic conditions, how to look for value in uncertain markets, the Facebook IPO saga and the importance of reading quality vs. quantity.

        Check out our other Trader’s Lens interviews here.